POMS Reference

GN 02607: Prisoner Provisions

TN 3 (02-02)

A. Procedure - correcting PUPS records with blank receipt dates

If you receive a PUPS alert/record and the receipt date is blank, you should enter the date shown in the REPORT DATE field of the alert as the RECEIPT DATE on the PU02 screen.


(Inmate Data Recorded on the PUPS ALERT)



(Correction to PUPS Record):


RECEIPT DATE: 03141998 REPORT DATE: 03141998

B. Procedure – correcting PUPS records with blank report date and blank receipt date

If the receipt date and the report date are missing on the alert; then enter the last day of the confinement month as both the RECEIPT DATE and the REPORT DATE on the PU02 and PU16 screens. (You can extract this information from the DATE OF CONFINEMENT entry on the PUPS record/alert).


(Inmate Data Shown on PUPS Alert/Record)



(Correction to PUPS Record):


RECEIPT DATE: 03311998 REPORT DATE: 03311998

C. Procedure – blank date of confinement/display of zeroes in the date field

Reporters sometimes provide SSA with a day of "00" in the date of the confinement field. PUPS subsequently receives the incorrect 00-day entry as it passes through the Prisoner Suspension Matching Operation.

Do not leave a display of zeroes in the day of confinement date field on a PUPS record. You must change the day entry to a legitimate date if the date of confinement field contains zeroes. Develop to determine the correct date of confinement for the individual per GN 02607.600. The corrected date allows the pending PUPS to properly process.

NOTE: The corrected confinement date cannot be the same as the confinement date on another PUPS record for this same SSN.

D. Procedure – blank conviction date

Obtain the date of conviction per GN 02607.600.

E. Procedure – blank released dates

Develop per GN 02607.600 to determine if the correctional institution held the inmate more than 30 continuous days or the date the inmate was out of the institution.

F. Procedure - correcting PUPS records with blank facility identification codes (FIDS)

PUPS requires a Facility Identification Code (FID) when you suspend benefits through PUPS. (See MSOM PRISON 003.005 for PUPS processing of the FID field and MSOM PRISON 003.001-7 for payment of incentive payments through PUPS.) PUPS pays incentive payments (IPs) to facilities/reporters when the PUPS record contains a FID code. If this field is blank (an invalid FID code was input see GN 02607.530F.1. for processing) or is missing (a FID code was not input on the inmate report, see GN 02607.530F.2. for processing), PUPS cannot determine which facility it should pay the INCENTIVE PAYMENT monies to.

1. Processing of invalid/incorrect FID codes on PUPS records/alerts:

In some instances, reporters provide an invalid FID code to SSA. The incorrect FID code will appear on the PURS screen in PUPS (see MSOM PRISON 003.005) as the FID code that the reporter gave SSA. The FID code will be blank in the FID field on the PUST screen (see MSOM PRISON 003.004) in PUPS and on the PUPS alert.

a. Incorrect FID cde on the PURS sreen

If the FID code is incorrect on the PURS screen, or PUPS alert, and you cannot determine the name of the facility from the incorrect FID code on the PURS screen, you must develop to determine the correct FID code. See GN 02607.530F.2. for developing for missing FID codes. After you obtain the name of the facility, continue processing as reflected in the bulleted items below; or,

b. Incorrect FID code is found on the PURS sreen

If you can determine the name of the facility from the incorrect FID code on the PURS screen, (see MSOM PRISON 002.016 obtaining FID codes on IRCS) continue processing as indicated in the following bullets:

  • Convert the facility into a six-digit FID code; and

  • Add the 6-digit FID code to the PUPS record.

2. Developing a missing facility identification code (FID)

NOTE (1): Do not use these instructions to obtain missing FID codes for Federal Bureau of Prison (3BOP) cases, see GN 02607.792C.3. for processing.

NOTE (2): A FID code is always required on the PUPS record in order to pay an incentive payment and to suspend benefits through PUPS.

Take the following actions to determine the missing FID code on a PUPS record/alert:

a. Identify the reporter of the inmate information

Identify the reporter that sent the inmate information to SSA. See MSOM PRISON 002.016 for steps on how to identify the reporter that sent the inmate data based on the 4-digit Reporter Identification Code (RID) code annotated to the PUPS record. (A PUPS alert contains the actual name of the reporter in the REPORTER NAME field of the PUPS alert.) After locating the name of the reporter, keep it handy for future reference if the beneficiary cannot provide you with the name of the facility or for verification of facility.

b. Contacts for verification of FID information

Contact the beneficiary to find out the name of the facility where he/she was last confined and the date of the confinement.

NOTE: The name of the facility the beneficiary gives to you should be listed as one of the facilities under the control of the reporter. Refer to the QRI2 screen on IRCS for the list of facilities that are under the control of a reporter. (See MSOM PRISON 002.011 for QRI2 screen instructions.)

c. Evaluating responses to development

Responses to your development:

  • If the beneficiary does not respond or cannot provide you with the information, contact the reporter to determine the name of the facility where the beneficiary was last confined. See MSOM PRISON 002.009 to obtain the contact information from the QARR screen in IRCS.

  • If the reporter cannot provide the name of the facility, contact another third party source to secure the name of the facility where the beneficiary was last confined. (See GN 02607.680 for other third party sources that may provide information on where the inmate was last incarcerated.)

  • If you cannot locate the missing FID, after exhausting all possible sources of contact, contact your Regional Prisoner Coordinator (RPC). The RPC will assist you in providing you with the missing 6-digit facility code. (The RPC may contact central office (CO), if necessary, for guidance in determining the missing FID code.) You can find the list of RPCs in GN 02607.990.

d. PUPS processing

Update the PUPS record with the correct 6-digit FID code and any other missing information that you obtained during your development. Continue processing per GN 02607.600B.