POMS Reference

NL 00802: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Initial Claims Notices

TN 3 (02-97)

A. Description

The SSA-L8166 is a blank form with preprinted appeal rights. This notice is available on DPS for completing the notice on a personal computer.

B. When to use

Issue an SSA-L8166 to notify:

  • Individuals about actions that are initial determinations that do not change monthly payments amounts; or

  • Individuals about representative payee issues requiring appeal rights; or

  • A competent adult claimant or emancipated child claimant living in a foreign country that we have selected a representative payee.

C. Procedure — Competent Claimant

Issue an SSA-L8166 as a final notice (if an advance notice was not previously sent) to a competent claimant or emancipated child claimant living in a foreign country using the notice language in NL 00804.185 to explain payee selection. May also be used for a manual advance notice (See NL 00703.822 and NL 00703.769.).

D. References