POMS Reference

NL 00720: Manual Adjustment, Credit and Award Process (MADCAP) Beneficiary Notice Print Program

BASIC (05-11)



Caption: Your Benefits

Because  (1)   (2)  not due benefits, benefits to other members of the household should be increased. However, for months before January 1996 we will pay  (3)  instead of increasing the benefits to other family members. Since this money is really due the other members of the household, it should be used only for their needs.

For benefits payable beginning January 1996, we can no longer pay you the increase due other family members. We must pay them directly because of a change in the law.

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: you

Choice 2: Beneficiary's Name

Fill-in (2) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: is

Choice 2: are

Fill-in (3) - Systems Generated

Choice 1:you

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: him



Caption: Your Benefits

 (1)  offset period this year is  (2)  .

We determine how much to reduce  (3)  benefit payments for each month in the offset period under the $1 for $2 offset based on an estimate of  (4)  BOND countable earnings for that period. To get this estimate, we use  (5)  estimate of total earnings for the offset period and subtract  (6)  estimate of the amount of allowable deductions for that period. The resulting amount is the estimate of  (7)  BOND countable earnings for the offset period. Some allowable deductions include the following:

  • The amount of any sick or vacation pay,

  • The amount of any subsidy paid by an employer who pays more in wages than the actual value of the work, and

  • Amounts  (8)  for items or services related to  (9)  disability that are needed to work. Some examples are prescription drugs, personal attendant, job coach, or a wheelchair.

After allowable deductions,  (10)  of BOND countable earnings for  (11)  offset period this year is  (12)  .

Since  (13)  offset period is less than the calendar year, we prorate the BOND yearly amount based on the number of months in  (14)  offset period and use that prorated amount to figure the benefit offset. We subtract the prorated BOND yearly amount from the estimate of  (15)  BOND countable earnings for the offset period and divide the remaining amount by two. We then divide that amount by the number of months in  (16)  offset period to determine the monthly offset amount. The monthly offset amount is the amount by which  (17)  benefits for each month in the offset period are reduced under the benefit offset. Based on the  (18)  of  (19)  BOND countable earnings and the computations above,  (20)  monthly offset amount for  (21)  offset period this year is  (22)  .

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: Your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (2) - Requested As A Date In Format Shown Below

Choice 1: MM/CCYY

Choice 2: MM/CCYY through MM/CCYY

Fill-in (3) - System Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (4) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (5) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (7) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (8) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: you pay

Choice 2: Name + pays

Fill-in (9) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (10) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice 1: (A) your estimate

Choice 2: (A) Name possessive + estimate

Choice 3: (B) your revised estimate

Choice 4: (B) Name possessive + revised estimate

Fill-in (11) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (12) - Requested As A Money Amount In Format $$$$$.¢¢

Estimate/revised estimate of BOND countable earnings for offset period this year

Fill-in (13) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (14) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (15) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (16) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (17) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (18) - Systems Generated from fill-in (10)

Choice 1: (A) estimate

Choice 2: (B) revised estimate

Fill-in (19) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (20) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (21) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (22) - Requested As A Money Amount In Format $$$$$.¢¢

Monthly offset amount



Caption: Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND)

The BOND project offers qualified individuals a more generous treatment of earnings than under the current rules. A qualified individual is provided an opportunity to work and earn over  (1)  and benefit from having only $1 of benefits withheld for every $2 earned over this amount. Under current Social Security rules, the same qualified individual working and earning over  (2)  generally has his or her benefits stopped.

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1)

BOND yearly amount

Fill-in (2)

BOND yearly amount



Caption: Your Benefits

 (1)  offset period this year is the entire calendar year.

We determine how much to reduce  (2)  benefit payments for each month in the year under the $1 for $2 offset based on an estimate of  (3)  BOND countable earnings for the year. To get this estimate, we use  (4)  estimate of total earnings for the year and subtract  (5)  estimate of the amount of allowable deductions for the year. The resulting amount is the estimate of  (6)  BOND countable earnings for the year. Some allowable deductions include the following:

  • The amount of any sick or vacation pay,

  • The amount of any subsidy paid by an employer who pays more in wages than the actual value of the work, and

  • Amounts  (7)  for items or services related to  (8)  disability that are needed to work. Some examples are prescription drugs, personal attendant, job coach, or a wheelchair.

After allowable deductions,  (9)  of BOND countable earnings for this year is  (10)  . .

Next, we subtract the BOND yearly amount from the estimate of  (11)   BOND countable earnings for the year and divide the remaining amount by two. We then divide that amount by twelve to determine the monthly offset amount. The monthly offset amount is the amount by which  (12)  benefits for each month in the year are reduced under the benefit offset. Based on the   (13)  of  (14)  BOND countable earnings and the computations above,  (15)   monthly offset amount this year is    (16)  .

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: Your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (2) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (3) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (4) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (5) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Choice 3: his

Choice 4: her

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (7) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: you pay

Choice 2: Name + pays

Fill-in (8) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (9) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice 1: (A) your estimate

Choice 2: (A) Name possessive + estimate

Choice 3: (B) your revised estimate

Choice 4: (B) Name possessive + revised estimate

Fill-in (10) - Requested As A Money Amount In Format $$$$$.¢¢

Estimate/revised estimate of BOND countable earnings for this year

Fill-in (11) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (12) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (13) - Systems Generated from Fill-in (9)

Choice 1: (A) estimate

Choice 2: (B) revised estimate

Fill-in (14) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (15) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (16) - Requested As A Money Amount In Format $$$$$.¢¢

Monthly offset amount




Caption: Your Benefits

Based on  (1)  earnings for  (2)  ,  (3)  of  (4)  benefits for that year should have been withheld. Since  (5)  of the benefits were withheld,  (6)  paid correctly.

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Beneficiary Name possessive

Fill-in (2) Requested As A Year In Format Shown Below


Fill-in (3) Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice 1: (A) all

Choice 2: (B) some

Fill-in (4) Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (5) Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice 1: (A) all

Choice 2: (B) some

Fill-in (6) Systems Generated

Choice 1: you were

Choice 2: he was

Choice 3: she was




Based on  (1)  earnings for  (2)  ,  (3)  of  (4)  benefits for that year should have been withheld. Since  (5)  of the benefits were withheld,  (6)  overpaid  (7)  .

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Beneficiary Name possessive

Fill-in (2)- Requested As A Year In Format Shown Below


Fill-in (3) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character or Money Amount

Choice 1 (A): all

Choice 2 (B): none

Choice 3 (C): some

Choice 4: money amount

Fill-in (4) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (5) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice 1 (A): all

Choice 2 (B): none

Choice 3:(C) some

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: you were

Choice 2: he was

Choice 3: she was

Fill-in (7)- Requested As A Money Amount In Format $$$$$.¢¢

Amount of overpayment




Based on  (1)  earnings for  (2)  ,  (3)  of  (4)  benefits for that year should have been withheld. Since  (5)  of the benefits were withheld,  (6)  due  (7)  .

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Beneficiary Name possessive

Fill-in (2)- Requested As A Year In Format Shown Below


Fill-in (3) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character or Money Amount

Choice 1 (A): all

Choice 2 (B): none

Choice 3 (C): some

Choice 4: money amount

Fill-in (4) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: his

Choice 3: her

Fill-in (5) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice 1: (A) all

Choice 2: (B) none

Choice 3: (C) some

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: you are

Choice 2: he is

Choice 3: she is

Fill-in (7) - Requested As A Money Amount In Format $$$$$.¢¢

Amount of underpayment