POMS Reference

HI 01001: Supplementary Medical Insurance

This section describes how SSA notifies the Civil Service Commission to deduct premiums from annuities, and how to handle inquiries. Premium collection by the Commission for an annuitant"s spouse is explained in HI 01001.020 C. SMI enrollment for civil service annuitants, their spouses, and preparation of awards for them is discussed in HI 00805.245.

The law provides that all uninsured (T or M) claimants who are receiving a civil service annuity, and have enrolled for SMI will have their premiums deducted from the civil service annuity. The annuitant may also authorize the deduction of a spouse"s premiums from the annuity check. This provision also applies to special age 72 claimants for whom social security payments are not payable due to a government pension offset.

A. Notice to CSC

Each month SSA certifies new uninsured annuitant and spouse data to the Civil Service Commission. This information flows from the DO through the central processing operations to DP (via the EDP systems), and then to CSC. In general, a minimum of four months may elapse from the time of filing the application for SMI to the initial deduction of the premium from the annuity check. This includes processing time in the DO, PSC, BSS, and CSC.

B. Referral of Inquiries About Civil Service Commission Deductions

SSA"s arrangement with the Civil Service Commission provides for central coordination and exchange of data. DO"s and PSC"s should not communicate directly with CSC. If the MBR shows that CSC has already been requested to deduct premiums from the annuity, and this is inconsistent with the statements in the inquiry, the DO sends an overprinted form SSA-5002 along with a current MBR printout and any related materials to CMS, BSS, Premium Processing Branch, P.O. Box 11977, Baltimore, Md. 21207. Remember to furnish the annuitant"s name and correct Civil Service annuity number. (See HI 01001.375 B. and D. for a detailed explanation of the use of the overprinted RC and CSC inquiries.)