POMS Reference

SI 02003: Interim Assistance Payments

TN 13 (11-10)

A. Policy on what is interim assistance (IA)

IA is money a State pays to individuals to provide for their basic needs for everyday living. IA can be a cash payment to the individual or a payment to a vendor on behalf of the individual. Some states refer to IA as general assistance or general relief.

To qualify for reimbursement, IA payments must be funded only from State or local funds. IA payments that contain any Federal funds, wholly or in part, do not qualify for reimbursement. For example, IA is not payable to States for assistance payments related to programs like Medicaid and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) because the Federal government partially funds these programs.

B. Policy on what are basic needs for IA purposes

IA payments are for basic needs. We define basic needs as essential items for everyday living that cannot wait until DDS makes an SSI eligibility determination. Basic needs include:

  • food;

  • clothing;

  • shelter;

  • personal hygiene items;

  • grooming items;

  • transportation to obtain basic needs; and

  • emergency medical needs that are not reimbursable under another Federal program.

We can consider other items not on this list as basic needs if they meet the definition of basic needs and the assistance provided by the State is cash or a vendor payment and financed wholly from State or local funds.

NOTE: Funeral expenses are not a basic need for IAR purposes.