POMS Reference

DI 81010: FO Procedures - Electronic Process

BASIC (01-08)

The DDS and OQP may return the case to the Field Office (FO) when a determination has been made or if the component was unable to make a medical determination. The FO is alerted of the DDS/OQP action via the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) Actions page. An overview of the functions of the EDCS Actions page is available in EDCS Action Page - DI 81010.100F.

A. Returns with a Medical Determination

1. Cessations

DDS returns all eCDR cessations to the FO. The transfer action will post to the EDCS actions page. Perform any system inputs required to process the cessation. Carefully review the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) and Supplemental Security Record (SSR) to ensure that the cessation data is input accurately and correctly. On concurrent cases, be sure that the appropriate cessation action is accomplished on both titles.

If there is a paper Comparison Point Decision (PCD) folder associated with the electronic CDR (eCDR) hold the paper CPD folder for the appeal period. If no appeal is filed return the paper CPD folder to the NRC or OCO for storage.

2. Continuances

DDS or OQP returns continuances to the FO only if action is needed on the case. DDS or OQP creates a message in eView detailing the action required by the FO for final adjudication.

If there is a paper Comparison Point Decision (PCD) folder associated with the electronic CDR (eCDR) return the paper CPD folder to the NRC or OCO for storage after the necessary POS inputs.

B. Returns with No Medical Determination

1. No Decision

The DDS may return an eCDR to the FO with a No Decision (ND) indicator on the SSA-832/833. See EDCS Action Page - DI 81010.100F. for scenarios when the DDS returns claims with an ND indicator. Since a determination is not made by the DDS, the FO must close the eCDR in the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS). Use the following steps to close out the EDCS case:

  • Enter the Social Security Number in EDCS and select the eCDR claim;

  • Select the Claims Actions tab;

  • Select the claim(s) and click on “Add FO Determination”;

  • Select Misc. Clearance and close the case.

    NOTE: Don’t forget to close out the CDR on the DCF.

  • From the MCDR screen, select 2=FO UPDATE;

  • Input the SSN and BIC (if other than “A”);

  • SELECT the appropriate CDR Type;


  • On the CDR Remarks Input Screen (IRMK), explain why the CDR was stopped.

2. Beneficiary Moves to Another State

If a beneficiary moves to another state during the CDR evaluation, see Beneficiary Moves to Another State before Electronic Continuing Disability Review (eCDR) Determination is Final - DI 81010.250.